Cirrhosis is characterized by the formation of regenerative nodules in liver parenchyma surrounded by fibrous septa\r\ndue to chronic liver injury. Cirrhosis occurs due to necrosis of liver cells followed by fibrosis and nodule formation. The liver\r\nstructure becomes abnormal and interferes with liver blood flow and function and leads to portal hypertension and impaired\r\nhepatocytes function. Chronic liver diseases represent a significant health problem across the globe with liver cirrhosis. The\r\nexact prevalence of cirrhosis worldwide is still unknown as the clinical spectrum ranges from indolent, asymptomatic to\r\ncomplete hepatic decompensation. Diagnosis of cirrhosis includes serological test, histological test, transient elastography and\r\nradio techniques like ultrasonography, computerised tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging. Ursodeoxycholic acid\r\nis used for treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis. For treatment of autoimmune hepatitis prednisone and azathioprine are used.\r\nFor hepatitis B and C treatment interferon and antiviral agents are used. For treatment of hemochromatosis phlebotomy is used.\r\nFor treatment of wilson disease, trientine and zinc are used. Liver transplantation is main curative option for treatment of liver\r\ncirrhosis, but it possesses significant risk to the patient.